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Benefits of Outsourcing Digital PR

Published: 14/06/21 - Updated: 13/08/21

Benefits of Outsourcing Digital PR

Whether you’re working for a well-known, reputable business or a recent start-up there are many decisions you will need to make daily, including where to spend your marketing money. 

Once you’ve looked at your options and decided digital PR is for you (take a look at our blog to find out why digital PR is beneficial even in niche industries) the next decision is whether you should outsource this part of your business, or employ someone to fill in the skills gap. 

Both of these options will cost the business money, with ROI being seen by increased search rankings, page views, and ultimately sales. They also both have their benefits, so it’s important you weigh up your options to make the right decision for your company. 

Here are the benefits of outsourcing your Digital PR to us here at Kaizen:


From larger well-known brands to smaller niche ones, we work with lots of clients across a range of industries, meaning we have years of experience creating stories and campaigns to suit a brand’s needs and audiences. Digital PR is a great way to increase brand awareness, drive organic traffic and help increase your rankings on Google – which is extremely important in a digital world and with most consumers discovering brands and products through a simple online search. Through the use of creative content and digital PR, we’ve been able to land stories on the BBC, The Telegraph, and even the National Geographic – you can discover some of the work we’ve done here.

With a specialist team and working with several brands, this means that we are talking to journalists in different departments and niches every single day. This allows us to pivot campaigns and target different journalists and audiences with the same campaign, giving your website a healthy backlink profile which is exactly what Google wants to see. For some companies, due to time or capacity constraints, outsourcing this task may be an easier way to achieve better SEO and brand awareness.

Step out

As previously mentioned, all businesses experience capacity issues, but for many, hiring someone to solely focus on content creation or SEO isn’t always an option. And when you do employ someone to work in your business it is very easy for them to become wrapped up in day-to-day operations and it can be difficult to see the wood from the trees.

It can be beneficial for someone to be a step away from your business and see what is actually newsworthy and what will attract the user’s attention. Sometimes you need someone to give their opinion and tell you what will work – and what won’t!


By working with us at Kaizen we offer other services, such as Paid Social, Influencer Marketing, and SEO, meaning we can adapt our relationship to best suit your business needs. We understand that businesses change, along with targets and customer needs. Also having fully integrated campaigns can create a unified marketing strategy, meaning it may be more cost-effective and also allow your audience to interact with your brand at several touchpoints such as social media, email marketing, and news publications. 

By working with an agency instead of employing someone in-house it means that your business has a wider skillset it can use when needed.


When you engage with an agency, we want to get the ball rolling and start working with you as much as you want to work with us! This means that there can be a quick turnaround and we could start working on your digital PR in a matter of weeks. For many brands, this is a viable option as it allows them to focus on other areas of the business whilst experts can handle their PR and communications. 

Not to mention, the decision to employ someone in-house could take months depending on a notice period!


Of course, you can create great digital PR campaigns without tools, but it will definitely make it a longer and harder process without having them. By outsourcing this, we’re able to deep dive into both your brand’s and competitor’s backlink profiles, their content performance and spot any gaps that you could monopolise on. These tools can be very expensive to set up but will be absorbed in the cost of engaging with an agency, meaning you can sit back and let us do all the work.

If you’re still questioning whether outsourcing your digital PR is the right decision for you, get in touch!

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Charlotte Crowther

Charlotte is our Digital PR Manager and works on some of our largest accounts. With 4+ years of experience working in both traditional and Digital PR, Charlotte has heaps of knowledge and is always eager to share at conferences and training days.

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