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Top Tips for Prospective PRs

Published: 04/10/21 - Updated: 15/02/22

Top Tips for Prospective PRs

Digital PR is an exciting field with plenty of career opportunities for college leavers, graduates, and those looking for a change of direction. 

However, competition for jobs in this market can be intense, particularly if you’re new to the field with little-to-no experience. Here are some of my top tips to help get you noticed in the world of PR.

1. Build your personal brand

Your personal brand is a combination of skills, experience and personality that you want your followers to see. It should capture who you are and what you can bring to the table, setting you apart from the rest. 

Start by being present on relevant social channels, engage with leaders in your field and add value through your own content to build authority. This could be a blog post, newsletter, podcast, or simply contributing to a conversation.

Building a personal brand takes time but remain consistent, authentic, and personable to get noticed.

2. Step outside of your comfort zone

It’s by no means easy to step out of your safe space, but it’s a must for personal and professional growth. 

I’m not a fan of public speaking, but I encourage myself to say yes to speaking opportunities to develop in this area. I do this by thinking of the long-term gains rather than the short-term discomfort. 

“Change begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Roy T. Bennett.

3. Network, network, network

Networking with others is an essential skill in public relations, and it’s an excellent way for you to seek out opportunities – 90% of the roles I applied for were spotted on social media!  

LinkedIn and Twitter are great channels for finding and connecting with industry professionals who (more often than not) are open to providing some guidance to a newcomer.

Utilise the free online and in-person networking events offered by industry bodies and agencies. Shameless plug, but check out some of our free upcoming events here.

4. Hone your writing skills

As a PR person, writing well is an integral part of what we do since we act as our client’s voice(s) and or audience(s) storytellers. We’re writing content daily, including on-site content, press releases and pitch decks. We also need to communicate clearly with clients, journalists and colleagues. 

Sharpen your writing skills by producing regular advice and how-to pieces that will not only build your personal brand but hone your writing skills ready for clients.

5. Immerse yourself into the media landscape

The media is a means to carry our client’s message and achieve campaign objectives, so it’s important to immerse yourself in the diverse media landscape.

Reading information and news from key global and national media outlets is a great way to see what’s going on in the public sphere. Tip: Download their apps on your device and set notifications to keep up with the latest news and trends.

Industry publications (including PRMoment and PRWeek) are great places to keep track of industry developments.

Are you looking to step foot into the world of PR? Check out our latest positions here.

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Callum Taylor

Callum has nearly four years of experience, most of which was gained at Kaizen. Advancing from Exec to Senior Exec, he currently oversees the performance of three team members and guides their professional growth. Leveraging his experience, alongside a strong understanding of strategic communications and media, Callum consistently delivers impactful outcomes for our clients.

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