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Introducing Influencer Marketing

Published: 30/03/20 - Updated: 30/03/20

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is still on the rise. It’s proved to be a vital digital channel and so it’s no wonder we want to get involved! 

People are spending more and more time online and so it’s more important than ever to catch your target audiences in the environment where they naturally hang out– social media. This means partnering with influential people who have an engaged audience online – vloggers, Instagrammers, celebrities or written bloggers – to talk positively about your product/ offering.

It might be new to Kaizen but it is certainly not new to our team

Our talented team of digital marketers include several influencer marketing specialists who have a combined total of over 10 years experience delivering influencer strategies at past agencies, for brands like Premier Inn, Soap & Glory and Nickelodeon. 

As well as campaigns, this experience includes organising press trips, collaborating with major Youtubers and even running large-scale influencer events.

Some have even been working in the space since 2014. That is way back to when vloggers were the only ‘real influencers’ and Zoella would review products for free!

We won’t become ‘just another influencer marketing agency’ 

It’s a competitive industry out there, and so we’re entering the market with a defined USP. Led by the analytical side of our SEO and tech-crazy founder Pete Reis-Campbell, our approach to influencer marketing is rigorously data-led and ROI focused. 

Not everyone trusts influencer marketing and some brands have been burnt by it. But this doesn’t mean that the phenomenon isn’t worth investing in!

We believe the service needs to be data-driven and ROI focused to prove its value. It needs a strong strategy that has been created specifically for that brand– there is no catch-all approach! 

Measuring influencer marketing

“For 65% of marketers, measuring and proving ROI is the biggest challenge of influencer marketing.” (Econsultancy’s Rise of Influencers report)

This likely comes from a mix of brand and influencer faux-pas. Influencers have been caught buying followers, faking brand collaborations and not disclosing ads. It’s a very small portion of influencers who have done this but it always makes the press.

Brands and agencies are also at fault for not doing enough research ahead of organising collaborations. You can’t do the service justice if budget and trust are being invested in the wrong talent. 

This is why we invest a large portion of our time researching, measuring and reporting on our influencer marketing campaigns.

Our ‘true engagement score’

We’ve created our own proprietary ‘True Engagement Score’ to measure prospective influencers ROI before and after brand collaborations. This helps our clients effectively plan and overcome obstacles internally. It also provides a level of transparency that many brands feel to be missing in the influencer marketing industry.

Pete Reis-Campbell, Kaizen’s CEO and Founder explains “Our proprietary score goes beyond the vanity metrics and focuses on an influencer’s true engagement rate – focusing on engagements of their branded posts and ads rather than their personal posts. We’re only interested in working with influencers who follow the ASA and CMA rules and so we need to set out giving clients an accurate view of what a branded influencer campaign can get them. This means our influencer campaigns begin with an achievable benchmark for what each influencer can achieve and what exposure this will get you as a brand.”


With our data-led approach and experienced team of influencer marketing specialists, we aim to help clients overcome these challenges– and prove to any doubters out there that there is still life in influencer marketing!

To find out more about how your brand could benefit from our data-led influencer marketing approach, get in touch to find out more.

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Pete Campbell

Pete Campbell started building websites from his bedroom at age 14. After a few years of honing his skills in the industry, Pete founded what we now know as Kaizen. What started as a one-person business run from Pete’s one-bed flat in Dalston has skyrocketed into an award-winning industry trailblazer and one of the UK’s top 50 tech companies as awarded by Deloitte.

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