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Come to our 2022 Digital PR Linkup!

Published: 04/10/22 - Updated: 12/10/22

Come to our 2022 Digital PR Linkup!

After such a successful event last year, we’re heading back to the TechSpace in Shoreditch on October 27th 10 am – 4 pm.

Kaizen’s famous Digital PR Linkup is back and better than ever! This year we’re bringing you and incredible lineup of speakers across agencies, brands and beyond. We’re bringing back our Q&A panel with top journalists, and as always, plenty of networking opportunities for you to meet like-minded people in the Digital PR and SEO scene.

Meet the speakers

Rejoice OjiakuContent Strategist at Rise at 7 

“Yesterday’s Price Is Not Today’s Price” – How Your Personal Brand Can Help You Find Opportunities

Rejoice Ojiaku is a Content Strategist at Rise at Seven, as well as the Co-Founder of B-DigitalUK – a platform for showcasing and empowering black talent in the UK digital marketing scene. Her expertise lie in SEO and Diversity and inclusion, all bolstered by strong personal branding both on and offline.

As a firm believer in the benefits of a personal brand, her talk will cover how you can nail your own personal branding, walking you through how she has built her brand and used it to progress in her career.


Charity SwalesSenior Digital PR Executive at connective3

What Is Greenwashing And How Can You Avoid It In Your PR Communications?

Charity started her journey at connective3 as a Digital PR Executive and quickly progressed to senior level within the company.

As the climate crisis shows no signs of slowing down, Greenwashing has been the word on many digital marketers’ lips. With environmental movements and figureheads like Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg rising in popularity, it can then be all too tempting to hop on sustainability communications. But if your brand doesn’t have the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) credentials to match its Digital PR comms, this can be disastrous for your Digital PR strategy.

Charity’s talk will look at all things greenwashing and why we need to be avoiding it in our PR communications.


Laura WilsonSenior Digital PR Manager at THG Ingenuity

How To Refresh Your Ideation Process And Inspire Your Team To Be More Creative

Has your creative team run out of steam?

In the world of PR we are expected to be creatively switched on at all times. In reality people lose steam and the creative process can become stale.

Laura Wilson is a Senior Digital PR Manager at THG Ingenuity. With over 7 years of experience in PR leadership roles, Laura knows a thing or two about managing creative teams. She will share how changing up the ideation process in her team completely transformed its creative output, and will discuss the distinct impact it had on her team’s successes.


Maria Amelie WhiteGlobal Search Lead at Kurt Geiger

How To Work With In-House SEO And PR Teams

Understanding how to foster healthy Agency/Client relationships is vital for any budding PR. It’s not enough to simply deliver the work. Agencies need to know how to keep their clients happy and work effectively with internal PR teams.

Maria Amelie White is the Global Search Lead at Kurt Geiger and a columnist at Search Engine Land. She has worked in SEO for over 12 years, specializing in Technical SEO, International SEO, Consumer Behavior, Retail Insights and Digital PR. She will deliver her talk on how agencies can better maintain strong relationships with internal SEO and PR teams.


Charlotte Crowther – Digital PR Manager at Kaizen

What Can We Learn From Traditional PR To Gain Top Tier Coverage?

Charlotte Crowther is a Digital PR Manager at Kaizen. While she initially made her start in the world of traditional PR, she eventually moved into Digital PR, transferring her knowledge and skills between the two.

In Charlotte’s book, there’s a lot to be learned from traditional PR. She will present her top tips that Digital PRs can action from Traditional PR, split into four key areas; Relationships, Product PR, Spokespeople and Formats.

Amanda Easter – Influencer Marketing Executive at Kaizen

Are Influencers Really That Influential?

Amanda Easter manages the Influencer Marketing department at Kaizen. She initially made her start in social media marketing in the US and then moved to London to pursue her Master’s in International Marketing. Since then, Amanda joined Kaizen, where she has worked with a range of Kaizen’s niche and commercial influencer projects.

So, are influencers really all that influential? Well, social media and influencers are now the main driving force affecting the ways young people receive information and make decisions. Gen Z are statistically more likely to trust a brand based on influencer recommendations and turn to Tiktok as their search engines. What does this mean for your brand strategy and how can you leverage this for your marketing?

Amanda will be covering all things influencer, reminding us that in 2022, it should be an essential part of any brand’s marketing strategy, no matter how niche.

Meet the journalists

Our carefully selected journalist panel will take part in a Q&A. This is your chance to ask your burning questions and speak to journalists from top-tier publications such as The BBC, The Daily Mirror, The Independent and much more!

? https://twitter.com/ambersunner

? https://twitter.com/harrisonjbrock

? https://twitter.com/MaryIsokariari

? https://twitter.com/MollyCodyre

? https://twitter.com/samtabahriti

The Agenda

9:30Arrival & Networking

10:00 | Pete Reis-Campbell | CEO & Founder of Kaizen | Welcome & Introduction

10:10 | Charlotte Crowther | Digital PR Manager at Kaizen | What Can We Learn From Traditional PR To Gain Top Tier Coverage?

10:40 | Rejoice Ojiaku | Content Strategist at Rise at Seven |“Yesterday’s Price Is Not Today’s Price” – How Your Personal Brand Can Help You Find Opportunities

11:10 | Coffee break 

11:30 | Amanda Easter | Influencer Marketing Executive at Kaizen | Are Influencers Really That Influential?

12:00 | Charity Swales | Senior Digital PR Executive at connective3 |  What Is Greenwashing And How Can You Avoid It In Your Pr Communications?

12:30 | Lunch break

13:30 | Maria Amelie White | Global Search Lead at Kurt Geiger | How To Work With In-House SEO And PR Teams

14:00 | Laura Wilson | Senior Digital PR Manager at THG Ingenuity | How To Refresh Your Ideation Process And Inspire Your Team To Be More Creative

14:30 | Coffee break 

14:50 | Journalist Panel | Moderated by Liz Walsh – Senior Digital PR Executive at Kaizen

15.20 | Networking

16.00 | Event closes

This event is very close to selling out. Avoid disappointment and book your FREE ticket via this link – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kaizens-2022-digital-pr-linkup-tickets-361682220257

Page author photo
Kathryn Case

Kathryn Case is the Marketing Manager at Kaizen. She is responsible for the production and management of Kaizen’s own content, social media, events and digital presence.

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