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Kaizen’s Key Takeaways from BrightonSEO 2022

Published: 11/10/22 - Updated: 12/10/22

Kaizen’s Key Takeaways from BrightonSEO 2022

In the first week of October, a group of eager Kaizenites joined thousands of other SEO and digital marketing professionals at BrightonSEO, one of the most popular search marketing conferences in the world.

There were so many brilliant speakers lined up this year, and we felt spoiled for choice trying to pick our favourites. Fortunately, we’ve managed to narrow it down to bring you our key takeaways from a truly illuminating and inspiring selection of talks.

Declutter Your Design – Margaret MacArthur, Head of Design at Kaizen

Thursday 6th at 11:45am, Syndicate 1&2

Margaret MacArthur giving her talk on decluttering design at BrightonSEO 2022

“A designer knows they have achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 

Our number one BrightonSEO highlight was watching our very own Head of Design Margaret MacArthur take the stage to share her design expertise.

Her fantastic talk on decluttering design focused on the many benefits of incorporating white space – AKA the areas of a page without any print or pictures. 

Here’s some of the wisdom she shared to keep in mind for any future designs:

How to think differently, get out of a rut and generate new ideas – Jo Walters, Founder of 25 Dots

Friday 7th at 2:30pm, Auditorium 1

Jo Walters giving her talk on thinking outside the box at BrightonSEO 2022

Jo Walters, freelancer and founder of communications consultancy 25 Dots, gave an excellent talk on Friday about how to dig yourself out of a creative rut and get ideas flowing. As she said, “creativity is for everyone” – which means this talk is for everyone, too.

Here are Jo’s top tips to boost creativity and come up with your best ideas yet:

Ask yourself…

How Digital PR Is Done In Germany – Bert-Jan Vos, Digital PR Manager at Claneo GmbH

Wednesday 5th at 3:30pm, Syndicate 1&2

Bert-Jan Vos giving his talk on Digital PR in Germany at BrightonSEO 2022

Bert-Jan Vos, Digital PR Manager at German agency Claneo, shared some invaluable insights into how to break the German Digital PR market. We have a lot of DACH region clients at Kaizen, so we knew we couldn’t miss this one.

Bert-Jan advised that a combination of content marketing, SEO, and traditional PR is the winner in Germany, and that there’s a strong focus on content over a particular product or service. Here are some other helpful insights we learned from his talk:

The most popular campaign formats in Germany

What German journalists value most

Logs analysis guru level. Take control on Googlebot – Serge Bezborodov, CTO at JetOctopus

Thursday 6th 10:00am, Syndicate 1&2

In this talk, Serge Bezborodov (CTO at Saas crawler JetOctopus) taught us all about Googlebot’s behaviour, based on an analysis of 80B log lines. He covered how to visualise bot behaviour and find out which factors impact it, as well as how to conduct our own log file analysis of a website.

Here are some of the main questions a log file analysis should answer, according to Serge:

We hope everyone had as much of an amazing time as we did at BrightonSEO. We can’t wait to do it all over again in April 2023!

Page author photo
Beth Grayson

Beth Grayson is the Copy Manager at Kaizen. Beth handles all the copy projects across our biggest accounts, including LEGO, Lovehoney and Compare the Market. This ranges from onsite product listings and listicles, to press releases and whitepapers.

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