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Driving Traffic To Moonpig’s Gifting Range Using Instagram Influencers

Combined impressions
Combined engagements
Clicks to @moonpig

We successfully helped Moonpig boost awareness of their seasonal product ranges through influencer gifting campaigns for both Mother’s Day and birthdays. For each campaign, we sent three influencers gifts from the upcoming range, using research and audience insights to come up with clever ideas to increase reach.

Overall, these campaigns achieved 2.4 million impressions, strong engagement rates, significant traffic to the Moonpig website, and a very rewarding 13% increase in their following.

Mother’s Day Range

For Mother’s Day, while we sent flowers, cards and gift sets, we also tapped into the emotions behind the gifts. Whether celebrating their mothers or celebrating being a mother themselves, our influencers created touching posts that resonated with viewers, impacting Moonpig’s reach and driving traffic to their site.

An additional goal outside of raising awareness of the range was to test when influencer content would drive the most sales for Moonpig. We measured the difference in the traffic that came from social posts when posting content both three weeks and one week before Mother’s Day.

We found that sharing the products with social media audiences one week before the event was the most effective posting schedule, driving the most traffic to the Moonpig website.

Birthday Range

With our birthday campaign, we sent three micro-influencers a gift box of Moonpig products to throw their dogs a “Birthday Paw-ty” and document the fun on Instagram.

Through research and audience insights, we knew that including dogs and puppies in our messaging would land well, and provide an opportunity for increased organic reach and a higher engagement rate.

The Results

Across both campaigns, the content received 2.4 million combined impressions, with hundreds of comments expressing purchase intent, discovery of new products and love for Moonpig products.

A combined engagement rate of 2.3% was achieved through our Mother’s Day campaign, along with 2,400 sessions on Moonpig’s landing page within 72 hours of the campaign being launched.

Moonpig’s following also increased by 13% due to these campaigns – our Mother’s Day gift to them!

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