Peldon Rose

Driving Keyword Visibility to Deliver Traffic and Conversions

Peldon Rose underperformed for key service terms, including ‘office interior design.’ We identified keyword cannibalisation and improvements to local SEO optimisation and implemented a strategy to overcome this.

Driving Keyword Visibility to Deliver Traffic and Conversions
  • 48.7%

    increase in Organic Sessions Year on Year

  • 41.6%

    increase in assisted conversions driven via Organic Search

  • 95%

    increase in visibility score since the start of onsite optimisations

  • 194%

    increase in visibility score for keywords containing 'London'

  • The strategy

    We built a strategy to overcome keyword cannibalisation, improve rankings and drive more traffic to their service landing pages. Our approach was two-pronged:

    • Landing page boost: Boosting key service onsite SEO
    • Local SEO: Growing Local SEO score through citation building & GMB optimisation

    Kaizen carried out in-depth research of the top 10 competition for our target topic clusters, identifying key copy requirements to be competitive. We built a detailed copy brief including priority terms to target and Q&A content to include on important service landing pages.

    The SEO team carried out a Local SEO citation audit, identifying mentions of Peldon Rose around the web whose details were incorrect or needed updating and gaps in citations—prioritising the most relevant and powerful citations to correct and build through gradual outreach.

  • The results

    2,245% increase in impressions for the key term ‘office interior design’ with a 41.6% increase in assisted conversions and a 95% increase in SEO visibility after six months.

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