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The Art of Brands Being Casual on TikTok

Published: 21/05/24 - Updated: 17/07/24

The Art of Brands Being Casual on TikTok


In the constantly changing landscape of social media, platforms such as TikTok have spearheaded a new way to connect with audiences on a more personal level. Breaking the mould from traditional advertising platforms, TikTok thrives on authenticity and natural content. 

Unlike other social media platforms where a curated feed is a key pillar in success, TikTok is the platform to show your brand’s unique personality and connect with audiences more personally. The strategy of showcasing the more casual version of your brand on TikTok let’s audiences in behind the scenes which can lead to significant results in growing brand loyalty. 

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Authenticity is a key pillar when it comes to social media marketing in 2024 —  especially with regard to TikTok. Audiences are drawn to content that feels relatable and genuine, especially in relation to branded or ad content. Over one-third (36%) of marketers even believe that influencer content outperforms branded content due to the trust audiences have with influencers. 

When brands adopt a casual tone of voice on TikTok they have the ability to showcase a more human and relatable side to the brand, allowing them to resonate more with their audience. By embracing authenticity, brands can build trust with their audiences as they create content that doesn’t feel overly scripted. 

Community Management 

One of the most important tools for growing an engaged following on social media, especially on TikTok, is community management. Popping up in the comments of viral videos or engaging with your competitors in the comments in a fun way is key to show that your brand can have a different side to it. 

By responding to comments on your own content, you can turn passive viewers into active members of your community by getting them to engage in conversation and share user generated content. Strengthening your engagement with your audiences through connection builds loyalty and trust as the brand becomes human in the eyes of your audience.

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Leveraging Trends 

TikTok is known for its viral trends, sounds and challenges. Brands that can tap into these culturally significant moments in a playful manner can boost their visibility and engagement. By leveraging these moments quickly and correctly, it shows audiences that they have the finger on the pulse of the platform and can curate content that resonates with users. 

It is crucial to approach trends and viral sounds authentically. Jumping on a trend that doesn’t align with your brand in an organic way can backfire, making you seem inauthentic. It’s important that the content is purposeful and has a unique spin that makes it resonate with your company’s values while seamlessly integrating into the viral moment. 

For example, with the release of Taylor Swift’s new album The Tortured Poets Department, brands are creating content using her new songs. The release of this album is a culturally significant moment so your first instinct may be to hop on the first trend you see, however in order to capitalise on the momentum of the album it’s key to find your niche within the space.


Outside of creating casual content, consistency is the key to building a presence on the platform. Brands should strive to maintain a regular posting scheduling, posting multiple times a day if the situation warrants. 

Having a casual tone of voice on TikTok allows for quicker turn around when it comes to content as it doesn’t need to have the same level of production as planned videos. This means you can get more videos out the door, allowing you to foster a greater dialogue with audiences. 

This content can include answering questions commented on previous videos, allowing for further engagement and connection with audiences. Establishing a consistent presence on the platform strengthens awareness, builds engagement and drives channel growth. 

Key Takeaway

TikTok presents a unique opportunity to connect with your audiences through a more personal, unfiltered lens. By embracing the impact that having a casual presence creates you can unlock the full potential of the platform. 

The art of being casual on TikTok is not to change who you are as a brand but instead to build meaningful relationships and leave a lasting impression in a relatable way. As TikTok is one of the fastest growing platforms and is constantly evolving, mastering this art in a way that fits your brand will become essential for staying relevant with today’s audiences. 

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Amanda Easter

With over 6 years of experiences in Social Media Management both at agencies and in house, Amanda brings her knowledge from brands in the UK, US and Europe. Since joining the team in 2021, Amanda has scaled up our influencer offering and co-founded our Social Media department, diving into building unique strategies for our clients and leading the team in implementing these across all social channels.

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