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How To Expand Your On-Page SEO

Published: 04/08/22 - Updated: 04/08/22

How To Expand Your On-Page SEO

In such a competitive environment, where millions of brands are competing to get as visible as they can on the internet, SEO plays a crucial role when it comes to standing out from the competition. This shouldn’t be news to you, as the SEO industry is booming and many providers claim to have “quick fixes” to get your brand to the top of the page rankings.

The truth is that SEO is much more complicated than that. It can be difficult to know where to start when trying to increase the organic traffic to your site. Here are some of the key aspects you should consider when covering the basics of on-page SEO.

1. Produce quality content

Creating quality content is always important and it can make a big difference in how well your website ranks on different search engines. At the end of the day, Google’s first interest is making sure users can find quality content, therefore, when you’re working on a new piece always keep in mind E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), which are exactly the values that you want to demonstrate with your content.

Competitors Gap Analysis will always be one of the most powerful tools as it allows you to understand what the top players are doing better than you. Tools like SEMrush’s Keyword Gap section can provide excellent insights that will help you bridge the gap with competitors.

2. Perfect your keyword research

Keywords represent the foundation for your content strategy, so they need to be carefully picked to express the content in the most effective way.

These are the main aspects you should keep in mind when carrying out keyword research:

Here are some other aspects you should keep in mind when doing keyword research:

3. Focus on prioritising above the fold

Above the fold is the section of the page that can be seen immediately when opening a page, and, therefore, both Google and your users pay a lot of attention to it. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind when optimising this section of the page:

4. Work on internal linking

Internal Links are URLs that link to another page within the same domain, both your users and search engines use them to find content on your website. Internal links are very important for three main reasons:

When working on expanding your internal linking profile, always make sure you follow these simple rules:

We also discuss internal linking and other strategies in our article on quick SEO opportunities.

5. Fix your heading tag structure

Heading Tags are no longer a ranking factor but Google uses them to better understand the content of the page, so you need to make sure that the heading tag hierarchy is on point. Just a couple of simple rules to start off:

5. Optimise your metadata 

The most important Meta Data for SEO are Title Tags and Description Tags. These two very important HTML tags describe the content of the page when it’s displayed on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) before the user has even clicked on the page, so having well-optimised meta data can make the difference between a click on your page or a user scrolling down. 

Just a few main things to consider when optimising your metadata:

*these character counts tend to change quite often, we recommend having a look at Moz for Meta Title length and for Meta Description length 

Looking into these aspects is a great way to start improving your website for SEO. Our article on the most common SEO issues will also give you some more context to it, but if you’re looking for the next steps in your SEO journey or you need help to create a strategy, get in touch with our team today!

Tullio Rifurgiato
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