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March Spotlights

Published: 09/04/24 - Updated: 09/07/24

March Spotlights


Our spotlight for March features three data-driven stories that utilise multiple angles, showcasing the versatility of our ideas and their potential for widespread outreach.

Check out our three stand-out campaigns below:

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Social Media Restaurants

It’s no secret that Instagram and TikTok are two of the most widely used social media platforms across the globe. With this in mind, we conducted research for Solopress on the most popular restaurants in the UK and the world, based on the number of posts linked to each restaurant’s hashtag on both platforms.

Additionally, we identified the most popular rooftop restaurants, which will provide a timely angle for journalists as summer approaches.

See more here

Key Learnings:

  • Social media, particularly Instagram and TikTok, remain highly effective for amplifying content for integrated campaigns.


  • By showcasing not only the most popular restaurants, but also the most popular rooftop restaurants, our campaigns become more evergreen and can be used accordingly to align with different seasons and trends.
  • These campaigns can be tagged in a variety of ways, such as popular, photographed, photogenic, or picturesque, to create more opportunities for engagement.

Coverage Highlights:

Yorkshire Evening Post, This is Local London, News Shopper

In Numbers:

  • 26 pieces of coverage
  • 22 links
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Hacked Passwords

Did you know that there has been an 86% increase in searches for “strong password advice” worldwide in the past year alone? For Preply, we decided to investigate this further and discovered the most commonly hacked passwords globally, with a focus on Italy, Germany, and Spain to tap into Preply’s key target markets.

We then teamed up with a cybersecurity expert to provide readers with some tips on password security. For example, avoid using passwords made up of only numbers or letters, and use a combination of these and actual words instead.

See more here

Key Learnings:

  • With the increase in searches for strong passwords, we tapped into a relevant and topical conversation.
  • The campaign had global data and market-specific data so we could make comparisons and carry out targeted outreach in each market.
  • Partnering with an expert in the cybersecurity industry to provide tips helped add authority and actionable insights to the piece.
  • The piece can be updated each year when the top 100 passwords list is released by Nordpass.

Coverage Highlights:

Corriere, IlGiornale, Idealista

In Numbers: 

  • 35 pieces of coverage
  • 13 links
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Best Cities to Start a Career

Starting your career can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. Finding the perfect city with good job opportunities, affordable living, and growth potential can be a tough task.

We conducted a study for Business Name Generator analysing over 80 cities in the UK and the US to determine the best places for young people to kick-start their careers. Our study looked at factors such as entry-level job availability, starting salary, and unemployment rate, as well as the cost of living in each location. 

See more here

Key Learnings:

  • The campaign had regional targeting in the US, which expanded the outreach pool massively.
  • The time of the year was crucial for this campaign and we outreached during the period just before everyone graduated from university, when many people would be applying for their first jobs.
  • The campaign was topical and had a great reactive opportunity with ‘National Careers Week’. 

Coverage Highlights:

Cleveland, FeNews, Coventry Telegraph

In Numbers: 

  • 12 pieces of coverage
  • 10 links

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Bianca Avelar

Bianca joined Kaizen in 2023 as a Marketing & Culture Assistant. From managing our social media channels to devising internal marketing strategies, she supports all marketing needs.

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