How to Write a Press Release That Scores
Published: 02/11/21 - Updated: 02/11/21

Whilst research results, data and facts form the backbone of any press release, the way it’s put together in writing is what will make it all worthwhile. The correct tone of voice, a clear structure and striking headlines are what will land your copy on the desired outlet. Here are five tips for smashing your next press release.
1. Structure
Setting up and maintaining a good structure in your writing is absolutely essential. This will keep the readers’ attention whilst also ensuring the point you’re trying to make comes across as intended. Use striking headlines that reveal just enough to let a journalist continue reading, followed by clear language getting to the point.
2. Flow and tone
Think of writing your press release as a story you’re trying to tell. Whilst yes, it’s about getting across those important data points and highlighting key findings of your research, it should also be easy to read and not too dry. This is where the importance of the words and tone you pick come in. Some brands have specific guidelines for their writing voice, and others are less set on this. In the latter case, go with what you feel fits the client and the story you’re telling.
One of my favourite tricks to keep a text interesting and ensure a nice flow is to avoid repeating words in the same sentence, or if they’re a bit more specific, even in the same paragraph. Look for alternative ways of saying the same thing by switching up the order of words, using synonyms or thinking of a different angle that will still get the same point across.
3. Make sure to tick all the boxes
Of course, relevance and accuracy should be at the top of your priority list when putting together your press release. Think of it as the five W’s: who, what, when, where and when. Once these are covered, you can probably guarantee that all the necessary information is spoken for. Do make sure, however, that these details are straightforward and punchy, easy takeaways so that your reader immediately. If these key points are missed, your journalist will probably hit the x quicker than you can say your headline.
4. Data reliance and balance
Data is great, and survey results are lovely. Numbers can surely be a strong lead, but if you fully depend on it without enough well-flowing body text around it, it will get boring quite quickly, and your reader will lose interest. Besides, an abundance of numbers and tables can be overwhelming, too. So be picky about what to include that’s actually relevant to your piece.
Balance is important in any type of writing for a variety of reasons. No matter how strong your data set or designs are, they can become too much of a good thing. Keep things interesting enough for your readers and diverse enough for journalists; it’s key to switch things up. A bit of introduction text here, a photograph there, followed by a table and some quotes. Diversify your story with whatever relevant element you’ve got.
5. SEO friendliness
At the end of the day, it comes down to how well your press release will perform in the online space. This is why optimising its SEO friendliness is something to be concerned with for your press release to do well from outreach to publication. Use headlines with keywords that are highly relevant to your campaign, utilise bullet points to break up larger data sets and bigger paragraphs and play around with formatting.
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