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5 Insights into International Digital PR

Published: 10/10/24 - Updated: 11/10/24

5 Insights into International Digital PR


We cannot emphasise enough how essential it is to do more than translate content when creating DPR campaigns for multiple markets. To succeed, you must adapt your messaging to resonate emotionally and culturally with local audiences.

Our team of international Digital PR experts excels at tailoring campaigns to the unique challenges of each market. By investing in such a diverse team, we gain invaluable insights into global markets, cultural nuances, and emerging trends. With each specialist bringing their unique perspective and native knowledge to the table, we are able to better understand and cater to the needs of clients across different regions. In this post, we share our experience working across different markets—including the U.S., Germany, France, Italy, and Latin America—to highlight best practices and top tips for successful Digital PR campaigns on a global scale.

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Cultural and Political Diversity in the United States

America is Vast

The sheer size of the US makes it essential to see each of the 50 states as unique entities with their own cities, laws, political views, and media landscapes. With four time zones to navigate, researching a journalist’s location is crucial to timing your outreach effectively and boosting your chances of getting noticed.

The USA has the most advanced and extensive mass media in the world, and understanding the volume of this is key to targeting them effectively with your campaigns. The country alone has an estimated 10,000 commercial radio stations that will often pick up Digital PR campaigns and cover them on their websites, along with over 1,000 daily newspapers, with most having their own regional and local stories. On top of this, there are thousands more digital media outlets for consumers to engage with. 

These figures are important to keep in mind when outreaching to press in the U.S., as whilst the opportunities are huge, it’s key that stories are hyper-relevant to the area each publication focuses on to really capture the audience. 

Cultural and Political Nuances

Focus on the specific states you are targeting and customise your story to appeal to their regional publications. While broader state-level campaigns can be effective, creating state-specific content will give you an advantage with local journalists. Each state has unique news, topics, and trends, so what resonates in California might not in Texas. Research popular topics, campaigns, and read key state publications to understand local interests. Always consider state-specific nuances, such as knowing their general political stance and media leanings, to ensure your campaign aligns with local values and interests.

Survey Considerations

Surveys are a powerful tool, offering brands unique insights to share with the media. In the US, it’s especially important to ensure your respondent pool matches the country’s scale. If budgets are tight, consider a state-focused survey to keep costs down while still gaining valuable data

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The Importance of Data and Fact-Based Content in Germany

In the UK, concepts like “fake products” or “dream jobs” can generate buzz, but these routes tend to be less effective in Germany as the audiences prefer clear, practical, and transparent communication.

The cornerstone of a successful German Digital PR campaign is a robust methodology supported by reliable and informative data. Credibility is crucial, and it’s important to use reputable sources to back up your claims. Germans value authenticity and are more likely to engage with campaigns offering well-researched, fact-based information.

For example, a campaign in Germany could focus on a detailed data study exploring consumer behaviour or environmental impact. Another successful approach might involve a survey about workplace trends, leveraging statistics and expert commentary.

To win over a German audience, campaigns should focus on delivering actionable insights, logical narratives, and clear evidence. Flashy concepts or unverified claims may harm your brand’s reputation, whereas a data-driven approach can foster trust and build strong engagement. By aligning your strategy with the values of the German market, you’ll create campaigns that resonate and deliver impactful results.

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Taking French Regional Pride into Consideration

Digital PR is still a relatively new concept in France, presenting a valuable opportunity for companies looking to establish their presence in the land of fine food and wine.

First and foremost, stories backed by solid data and strong methodologies are essential. However, focusing on regional campaigns will be your most effective strategy. Regional pride runs deep in France, often leading to lively media discussions about which area excels in food, language, and culture. Incorporating these regional comparisons during your ideation sessions can provide strong focal points for successful campaigns.

Cultural differences exist not just between countries, but also within France itself. The vibrant divide between North and South offers an excellent hook for any campaign. Lighter topics like the fact that a Parisian might order a “pain au chocolat,” while someone from Bordeaux would ask for a “chocolatine” play into this division and often hit the headlines generating a lot of public interest and opinions.

While creative stories resonate well, they need to be supported by solid data to avoid seeming too “fluffy.” Creating campaigns that incorporate detailed regional insights can attract niche media outlets, leaning into how influential the more regional publications are in France – i.e.Ouest-France.fr, covering western France, ranked among the top five most-visited media sites in July 2024, alongside giants like LeMonde.fr and BFMTV.fr.

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Why Italian Readers Crave Emotion-Driven Content Over Cold Hard Facts

In Italy, readers prefer stories driven by emotion rather than cold, hard data – an important distinction for anyone creating media content in this market. Now, this doesn’t mean the data is distorted or altered in any way, but simply that journalists will regularly lead with the headlines they feel will have the highest emotional impact.

Here’s an example from a campaign we launched in Italy this year. The campaign was called “Digital Side Hustles,” and it featured:

  • The most popular digital side hustles, based on the number of available opportunities
  • The average daily rate for each job
  • The best-paid digital side hustles, based on the annual salary for these roles

Of these 3 themes, the salary data was the clear winner when it came to publications running the story. Salary figures spark engagement because readers can personally connect to the numbers: “Want to earn more with a side hustle? This study shows you can make up to X more per year.”

While the data about the most popular jobs was relevant, it didn’t create the same level of emotional connection. It was more about market trends – external to the reader’s personal situation. Salary, on the other hand, hits close to home, as it speaks directly to someone’s financial well-being.

This also reflects the outreach approach. In the UK, you need to be concise and straight to the point when pitching a journalist. In Italy, it’s essential to show the story’s emotional potential right from the pitch, Headlines are often “dressed up” and lean towards clickbait to highlight the emotional core of the campaign.

So, in Italy, it’s crucial to use data with high emotional potential. If you’re confident in the sentimental value of your story, reflecting it in your outreach pitch can be a winning strategy to gaining maximum coverage online.

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Authentic Campaigns for Latin America’s Diverse Markets

When creating Digital PR campaigns for Latin American markets, it’s crucial to go beyond simple translation and focus on cultural adaptation to resonate with local audiences. A message that connects well in one country may not have the same impact in another; for example, humour or tone that appeals to Brazilians might not work for audiences in Argentina or Mexico. 

Each country within Latin America has unique traditions, values, and communication styles that should inform your approach. Staying up-to-date with local news and current events is also vital to avoid cultural missteps that could harm your brand’s reputation. Additionally, it’s important to avoid relying on outdated stereotypes, like portraying criminality or tropical imagery, which can come across as inauthentic. Instead, invest time in understanding the unique challenges, opportunities, and aspirations within each market. 

By crafting messages that reflect the complexity of the region and show cultural sensitivity, your campaigns can build stronger, more meaningful connections with Latin American audiences.

In conclusion, succeeding in Digital PR across diverse markets requires in-depth research into each region’s cultural, political, and media landscapes. Crafting tailored strategies that respect local nuances will distinguish your campaigns and maximise their effectiveness. Having local experts on your side can make all the difference in ensuring your international Digital PR efforts are not just relevant but also impactful. If you’re looking for support in developing an international Digital PR strategy, our team at Kaizen is here to help – reach out to us today!

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Bianca Avelar

Bianca joined Kaizen in 2023 as a Marketing & Culture Assistant. From managing our social media channels to devising internal marketing strategies, she supports all marketing needs.

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