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Bobbi Brant at BrightonSEO: How to Use Live Video in Content Marketing

Published: 28/09/18 - Updated: 14/04/21

Bobbi Brant at BrightonSEO: How to Use Live Video in Content Marketing

Today, our Head of Creative Bobbi spoke at BrightonSEO on the best methods of incorporating live video into a content marketing strategy.

Speaking on her inspiration from our whitepaper on the Future of Content, to Kaizen’s own experience of live-streaming Q&As on our Twitter, Bobbi covers the key reasons why brands should consider live video as a cost-effective marketing tool, and how to approach it.

You can see her slides here:

Bobbi Brant at Brighton SEO: How to Use Live Video in Content Marketing from Kaizen
For any more information about the day, or if you want to speak to Bobbi directly, email bobbi.brant@kaizen.co.uk
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